@ original test by Pascal Saura
In order to help you evaluate the best test for you, please check the following statements regarding your writing skills in French.
The skills are listed in order of increasing difficulty.
Once you reach the last skill you feel you master, select the test link next to it. If you made a mistake, just come back to this page before you submit your test
A1 LEVELS: I took French for anywhere between 1 and 3 years in High School or College, and never had a chance to practice and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for a period of less than a year, only a few hours a week, and with good results
I can introduce myself (name, age, occupation, where I live, ... etc.) —> Click here for the A1-1 level test
& I can give and follow directions to a location —> Click here for the A1-2 level test
& I can say what I like today and what I liked yesterday —> Click here for the A1-3 level test
& I can say what I am going to do tomorrow —> Click here for the A1-4 level test
A2 LEVELS: I took French for anywhere between 4 and 10 years in High School and College but have not had a chance to practice for a long time and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for more than a year and less than 2 years with good results
& I can propose, accept or decline an invitation —> Click here for the A2-1 level test
& I can describe in simple terms my background and my environment —> Click here for the A2-2 level test
& I can state my opinion and elaborate an explanation —> Click here for the A2-3 level test
& I can describe my schedule of activities (yesterday, today and tomorrow) —> Click here for the A2-4 level test
B1 LEVELS: I took French for anywhere between 4 and 10 years in school and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels, classes, work assignments...) and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for more than 3 years and less than 4 years with good results
& I can carry out a financial or commercial transaction (open an account, purchase a service) —> Click here for the B1-1 level test
& I can summarize something and relate someone else’s point of view —> Click here for the B1-2 level test
& I can describe hypothetical situations in the past and in the future (what if's) —> Click here for the B1-3 level test
& I can write a review of a book, show, movie, play... etc. —> Click here for the B1-4 level test
B2 LEVELS: I took French for about 10 years or more and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels, classes, work assignment...) and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for more than 4 years with good results
& I can discuss anger, disappointment, boredom, disatisfaction, disgust... etc. —> Click here for the B2-1 level test
& I can discuss possibility/impossibility, probability, certitude/doubt, need/obligation. —> Click here for the B2-2 level test
& I can negociate a contract, a business deal or manage a conflictual situation —> Click here for the B2-3 level test
& I can produce clear detailed texts on a wide range of subjects, present and justify a viewpoint —> Click here for the B2-4 level test