Come & enjoy Joanna Tatro's lecture on Women at the 19th Century followed by crêpes in order to celebrate the Chandeleur!
6-7PM: Lecture by Joanna Tatro
7-8PM: Crepes Party
Joanna Tatro is a lecturer of French and Italian at California State University, Long Beach, where she has taught language courses since 2016. She holds a Master's degree in French and Francophone Studies, specializing in 17th and 18th Century Literature, Literature of Québec, and Left-Bank/New Wave Cinema. She is currently working on a second Master's in Italian Studies in which she is focusing on 12th and 13th century literature with an emphasis on Giovanni Boccaccio, Translation, and Neo-realist Cinema. Her interests include the Préciosité movement in17th century France, Eco-criticism in the works of George Sand and her contemporaries, Spatiality and Transnationalism as they relate to Cinema and Translation, and Intercomprehension. Her recent publications include Benoît Duteurtre's À propos des vaches and an update of Roberto Rossellini's film Paisa' in Translation Becomes Eclectic, and she is currently collaborating on the translation of La Saponificatrice, or The Lady Soapmaker, a true-crime novel by Fabio Sanvitale and Vincenzo Maria Mastronardi. She has recently joined the faculty of Long Beach City College, where she hopes to continue to bring a passion and enthusiasm for learning foreign languages and literature to students in the years to come.
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